Traceability system now digitizes the buying process

The Organic Farming Academy (OFA) was contracted by Organic Africa,a leading producer of organic products for export, to introduce a traceability application throughout the companies operations. The application was developed by German software company SAP. Rural Sourcing covers many features including farmer registration, field mapping, processing and storage. In this year OFA is introducing the … Read more

Communal Biochar Composts Fostering Unity

The water woes in Dewe situated in Mashonaland East are so dire that sometimes there have been incidents of physical fights over the precious liquid. Responding to this situation, the Organic Farming Academy, which is producing biochar in Rushinga and two other locations, had to roll out communal composts in May. According to Islum Marimazhira, … Read more

Pioneer Biochar Project Set Up in Rushinga

An innovative carbon credit initiative involving the production of biochar has been established in Rushinga, Zimbabwe, marking a strategic entry into the carbon trading markets. This pioneering artisanal biochar project is a collaborative effort between CarbonConnect, a local carbon removal company, and the Organic Farming Academy (OFA), focusing on utilizing baobab shells as the primary … Read more

Rosella Brings Cheer to Mbire Farmers

Writes Tafadzwa Muranganwa Mbire is an arid area where farming has never been a lucrative venture for many but thanks to a rosella farming project by Organic Africa, some villagers are smiling all the way to the bank. Farmers who were undergoing training on organic farming in this wildlife-infested area lauded the initiative by Organic … Read more